Flying Man New Crop

Available in 5kg


Flying man 100% crystalline fragrant rice New Crop. Made from 100% Thai whole grain fragrant rice, is milled fresh and packed fresh every day!

Introducing Flying Man Crystalline Fragrant Rice New Crop, a premium rice brand. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for delivering an extraordinary dining experience, this brand offers a truly remarkable product.

While Flying Man Crystalline Fragrant Rice is milled in Singapore’s first and only rice mill, the rice itself is carefully selected and imported directly from the picturesque landscapes. Harvested all year round from Northeast Thailand, Renowned for its fertile soils, ideal climate, and time-honored rice cultivation traditions, Thailand produces some of the finest rice in the world.

The grains of Flying Man Crystalline Fragrant Rice are long, slender, and translucent, resembling exquisite crystals. When cooked, they transform into pearly-white gems with an alluring fragrance that fills the kitchen, captivating your senses and creating a truly memorable meal.

Flying Man Crystalline Fragrant Rice undergoes a stringent selection process, ensuring that only the highest quality grains make it into every package. The manufacturing in Singapore adheres to strict quality standards, combining state-of-the-art facilities with meticulous attention to detail to create a product that is truly exceptional.

The texture of Flying Man Crystalline Fragrant Rice is a perfect balance of tenderness and resilience. Each grain maintains its individual integrity, allowing it to absorb flavors while remaining fluffy and separate. Whether you’re preparing traditional Singaporean rice dishes, international cuisines, or exploring your own culinary creations, this rice brand adds a touch of elegance and authenticity to your meals.

Not only does Flying Man Crystalline Fragrant Rice deliver on taste and texture, but it is also a wholesome choice for a well-rounded diet. It is naturally rich in carbohydrates, providing essential energy, and contains vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber to support your overall well-being.

Our rice is vacuum packed which prevents the growth of rice weevils.

For bulk pack purchases, please contact us directly.


金飞人新香丝苗由 100% 泰国全谷香米制成,每天新鲜碾磨、新鲜包装!

向您介绍优质大米- 金飞人新香丝苗。致力于追求卓越,热衷于提供非凡的用餐体验,提供真正非凡的产品。









Flying Man

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